Tumul added this News using Google Chrome
Browser issues in our Back-end Text-Editor for News-items
We keep on moving ahead and the earlier work gets nullified. 
In our case, the back-end editor started misbehaving recently (hen used in Google-Chrome and Mozilla-Firefox browsers).  keyserlingk.info is a 17-18 years old website originally. Although , time to time we have been done upgrades to accommodate patches for some security vulnerabilities, but the new issues keep coming up. Upgrading our codes is a continuous process.  For keyserlingk.info website, it is a relatively difficult task, because people who worked earlier on this website, are no longer working with the developer company. But those guys are very co-operative and accommodating. With their help we are trying to resolve these technical-issues. 
There is testing going on after codes are modified. 
This is a testing done using Google-chrome browser. Stilol some issues are there. We will sort it out. 
Thursday, November 9, 2017  
