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    Family tree starts in: 1226  |  Total Family members: 5450 English  Deutsch  
BETTINA KATHERINE JAHN (Alfred, the judge) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK's family WIFE of :Alfred Alexander (Bettina Jahn) THE JUDGE Graf Keyserlingk
Sebastian Alexander (Gisela Therese Lenk) Graf Keyserlingk (Moabit, Berlin - 1971 ) SON of BETTINA KATHERINE JAHN (Alfred, the judge) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
GISELA THERESE LENK (Sebastian Alexander Eberhard) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK  Wife of Sebastian Alexander (Gisela Therese Lenk) Graf KeyserlingkAscendant / Descendant
Ferdinand Alfred (Doris Rosenzweig) Graf Keyserlingk (Frankfurt, Germany - 1974 ) SON of BETTINA KATHERINE JAHN (Alfred, the judge) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
DORIS ROSENZWEIG (Ferdinand Alfred) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK  Wife of Ferdinand Alfred (Doris Rosenzweig) Graf KeyserlingkAscendant / Descendant
Leonid David Thimas Peter Michael (Dörte Rupprecht) Graf Keyserlingk (Stuttgart - 1977 ) SON of BETTINA KATHERINE JAHN (Alfred, the judge) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
DOERTE RUPPRECT (Leonid David Thimas Peter Michael) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK  Wife of Leonid David Thimas Peter Michael (Dörte Rupprecht) Graf KeyserlingkAscendant / Descendant
Konrad Eduard Janusz (Rachel Withworth) Graf Keyserlingk (Stuttgart - 1983 ) SON of BETTINA KATHERINE JAHN (Alfred, the judge) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK Ascendant / Descendant
RACHEL WITHWORTH (Konrad) GRAEFIN KEYSERLINGK  Wife of Konrad Eduard Janusz (Rachel Withworth) Graf KeyserlingkAscendant / Descendant
News & Updates
Copy of Wolfspoint Guestbook
By | 6/9/2024
This is a fascinating record of the many families and people who passed through Wolfspoint. This house had been bought by Robert Wendelin and Henry Keyserlingk for their father, Henry The Whaler and...................
Old pictures of Henry The Whaler, Keyserling
By | 6/4/2024
Andrey  Glazovsky has discovered a series old pictures of Henry the Whaler supervising the loading of one of his coastal ships (Eldorado) serving out of Vladivostok, Russia. You can see the 2 pic...................
Scott Ruggels passed away on May 9th, 2024.
By | 6/4/2024
To Scott’s Dear Friends and Family, (Written on Facebook by his sister Michelle)It is with great sadness that we let you know that Scott passed away on Wednesday, May 29th, 2024. He had just turned 60...................
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Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.