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News & Updates
Kristin von Hahn passed away December 21,2024.
By | 1/24/2025
Her family reported:Kristin Margarethe von Hahn died on December 21. Kristin will be missed by friends and family in the US, Canada, Germany and beyond. We will be holding a celebration of her ...................
Elisabeth von Keyserling, daughter of Michael von Keyserling (Son of Peter and Gayle, married.
By | 10/14/2024
Elisabeth and Stephen were married on October 12, 2024 in her fathers (Michael) new parish church in Altmore, Alabama. ...................
Nicolas Turcot marries Maddy Bell
By | 9/5/2024
Nicolas, the son of Andrea Keyserlingk and grandson of Michaela Keyserlingk married Madison Bell in Montreal on August 31, 2024. Maddy is a teacher in Montreal.  Nicolas and Maddy left in their R...................
Family News
Post : -->> News
Kristin von Hahn passed away December 21,2024.
Her family reported:Kristin Margarethe von Hahn died on December 21. Kristin will be missed by friends and family in the US, Canada, Germany and beyond. We will be holding a celebration of her ...................

Elisabeth von Keyserling, daughter of Michael von Keyserling (Son of Peter and Gayle, married.
Elisabeth and Stephen were married on October 12, 2024 in her fathers (Michael) new parish church in Altmore, Alabama. ...................

Nicolas Turcot marries Maddy Bell
Nicolas, the son of Andrea Keyserlingk and grandson of Michaela Keyserlingk married Madison Bell in Montreal on August 31, 2024. Maddy is a teacher in Montreal.  Nicolas and Maddy left in their R...................

Veronica Turcot gives birth to a son.
Veronica Turcot, daughter of Andrea Keyserlingk, and Veronicas spouse Pierre Luc Murray-Decarie are the proud parents of their first son, Theo Henri Michel Decarie. He was born in Gatineau, Quebec on ...................

Keyserlingk.info website about to reach 30 million hits.
If you look at the bottom right of the home page of family website, Keyserlingk.info, you will see the small counter. It is about to hit 30 million. I have no idea of how many are individual visitors ...................

Edward Ted Keyserlingk of Montreal reaches the venerable age of 90
I am pleased to announce that my older brother Ted had his 90th birthday on July 16th.  This makes him one of the oldest Keyserlingk in history and, I believe , the oldest living Keyserlingk. You...................

Phoenix Ouelette gets his Master in Law degree
Phoenix is the son of Cecile Keyserlingk and Richard Ouelette. Cecile is the  daughter of Henry and Madeleine Keyserlingk.  Phoenix has completed his Bar exams and needs only to do a 6 month...................

Copy of Wolfspoint Guestbook
This is a fascinating record of the many families and people who passed through Wolfspoint. This house had been bought by Robert Wendelin and Henry Keyserlingk for their father, Henry The Whaler and...................

Old pictures of Henry The Whaler, Keyserling
Andrey  Glazovsky has discovered a series old pictures of Henry the Whaler supervising the loading of one of his coastal ships (Eldorado) serving out of Vladivostok, Russia. You can see the 2 pic...................

Scott Ruggels passed away on May 9th, 2024.
To Scott’s Dear Friends and Family, (Written on Facebook by his sister Michelle)It is with great sadness that we let you know that Scott passed away on Wednesday, May 29th, 2024. He had just turned 60...................

My travels to Central Asia. April 2024
My trip to Kyrgyzstan.I have completed my trip report with pictures and you can read it athttps://app.box.com/s/0yxeeh35d90vs9kqnkxo8n7sljwishg9...................

Christoph Keyserlingk, brother of Michaela Keyserlingk passed away.
Michaela Keyserlingk reported that her brother Christoph passed away recently after battling cancer.  We send  Michaela our heartfelt sympathies on the loss of her brother to whom she was ve...................

Genieve and Dominic Keyserlingk are the proud parents of their first son, Owen. He was born on March 13th, 2024.

Emmett Keyserlingk publishes his first book, now available on Amazon
Emmett writes:Today, as we welcome the first day of spring, a season of renewal and hope, I’m thrilled to share something dear to me that I’ve been working on for some time now. In all the years I spe...................

Memoirs of Nathalie Schirinsky-Schikhmatoff- Escape from Ukraine during Soviet Revolution.

Memoirs of our newly found Russian cousins now in English
It is my pleasure to introduce to all the family, these new relatives. You can read these memoirs at:https://app.box.com/s/y3g17vndrhpbgg9m0yoguvt84lagj15o  I would recommend these newly found...................

Book by Alfred Keyserling in German now on line.
Our cousin, Karl Eckstein of Switzerland, has digitalized this interesting book in German  by Alfred Keyserling, Graf Keyserling erzaehlt. The book was published in1937. It tells of Alfreds life ...................

Sonia Keyserlingk is looking for a host family in the US or in Canada
Sebastian Keyserlingk who lives in Berlin is looking for a family that would be willing to receive his 15 year old daughter Sonia. Sonia wants to spend up to 5 months in Canada or in the US betw...................

read about the connection of families Keyserlingk, Kern and Knoop.
Hamish Macleod has just provided me with an interesting Kern family story which you can read at:https://app.box.com/s/d050e7902809f5aa45b2 <p>Sander February 2024...................

Nice collection of old von der Recke pictures from Sigrid Keyserlingks family.
Kathrin von Dehn has put together a nice collection that can be seen at: https://photos.app.goo.gl/i5CeFosBykVjxyFj9         Sander.   Jan 2024....................

Looking for original photo
Christof von der Ropp is looking for the original picture shown in this website on the page of :Gustav Ulrich Erdmann (Elise Emilie Ahren) Baron von Schlippenbach If you know how he can get a bet...................

Labelle 2023. You can see a large collection of pictures of different families.
Labelle is a place North of Montreal where many of our related families and cousins meet each year.  You can see the pictures of this last summer at the address below.  You may not recognize...................

Veronica Turcot married.
Veronica Turcot, daughter of Andrea Keyserlingk, celebrated her marriage to Pierre Luc (PL) Murray-Decarie.The wedding took place in Mannotick, Ontario in October 2023. Congratulations to the newlywed...................

New book (in German) on Alexander and his wife Dorothea Keyserlingk
The book was produced by Peter Waltner and provides an insight into the lives of this Keyserlingk family in the period of 1895 to 1939.For more details on the book please go to:https://app.box.com/s/w...................

Letter of July 1946 from Tante Evi from Wolfspoint to Cecile Popp.
You can read this interesting letter provided by Henry Popp at: https://app.box.com/s/ggj1oqcue658myu5u6wsc8gggcac8mkn    ...................

Story of the Gibson/Keyserlingk estate in Poland,
See this website for the history and pictures of this estate at:  Museum of Kashubian and Pomeranian Literature and Music - The Przebendowski and Keyserlingk Palace – Pomorskie.travel...................

New old photos of von Dehn, von der Recke and Keyserlingk families by Sander K
The photos can be seen at: https://photos.app.goo.gl/iqthmM4gDoRHyzA27 https://photos.app.goo.gl/cd4pjvWfmAqY6RsH6 https://photos.app.goo.gl/ye8sCuJQMp5sNA5i9. ...................

You can read my Philippines, Taiwan, and Vancouver travel report.
To see this report, please go to:https://app.box.com/s/9krzbwila8cjkbtf68k051anhcksmhy5SanderJuly 2023...................

Megan Keyserlingk marries
Megan Keyserlingk, daughter of Tom and Jane Keyserlingk of Ottawa recently married  Hayden Walker.  The wedding took place in Ottawa.  Congratulations to the newlyweds.SanderJune 2023...................

Kilian Keyserlingk and Sandra Flemming are parents.
Kilian Keyserlingk  and his partner Sandra Flemming are the proud parents of Lilly Elara Maria, born in Berlin on May 13, 2023. Kilian is the son of Wolff (The Magician) Baron Keyserlingk and his...................

Why do some Keyserlingks use a K at the end and others not?
As I am now studying Russian, I have just figured out the reason behind this strange situation. It all comes down to the pronunciation rules ofthe Russian language.  Historically, Russia ruled ov...................

Two sisters pass away in recent weeks
It is sad to report that two of our cousins passed away in the last weeks. Xenia Kouka and Kyra Schirinsky Schikhmatoff both died recently. They  are survived by the last sister Irina. We extend ...................

Caroline Keyserlingk und Kant
Diedrich Keyserling of Berlin provided a detailled report on a conference held in Kalingrad (earlier Koenigsberg).  It provided an overview of the close relation between Caroline Keyserlings fami...................

Old Keyserlingk family pictures
I just posted a collection of old family pictures I found today.  You can see them athttps://photos.app.goo.gl/iZ7wWo4Fg3dJStoLA Please let me know if you want me to add or correct the descripti...................

Read my travelogue of our trip down the Danube in October 2022
You can read this report at:https://sandersblog.blogspot.com/2022/10/down-blue-danube-and-over-to-kracow.htmlSanderOctober 20, 2022...................

Help a great cause in Ukraine
Please join this fundraiser to help some real heroes who feed the elderly in Ukraine despite the war conditions. See my Gofundme page below:https://gofund.me/e7d0c016

Cynthia Deems von Keyserling passed away on July 23, 2022.
Cynthia was the wife of Christopher von Keyserling and the mother of Elisabeth, Katherine and Richard von Keyserling. Our sympathies  to the family. Sander.July 2022...................

My travels to the Canadian Arctic. June 2022
I spent a few days in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada and wrote a report which you can read at:https://sandersblog.blogspot.com/2022/07/my-travels-to-canadian-arctic-july-2022.html...................

Summary of April 14th 2022 family video chat
HI all,We had our first family group chat which actually went well and some were on the call for 2 hours. Alfred The Judge Keyserlingk of Dresden tried to join the night before but did not make it thi...................


Interesting email chain about Pahlens. Hahn and Lievens in Chile and Argentina
The chain of emails from several family members can be read at:https://app.box.com/s/vvz0oaukiq6mb8as7lzd92wnlt3u503lSanderFebruary 2022...................

Freda von Hahn passed away December 25th, 2021
Her family wrote this obituary:It is with deep sadness and a great sense of loss that we inform you of the sudden passing of Freda von Hahn in the early hours of December 25, 2021.On the night she die...................

Kevin von Keyserling takes on new position as CEO of Ready set. Congratulations, Kevin
ReadySet Surgical, Inc. has named Kevin von Keyserling as the companys new chief executive officer.  Kevin previously served as CEO and founder of Keyfactor Inc, a Cleveland, OH&nb...................

An interesting article on one our American cousins, Mark Medish
You can read the interview at :https://www.principalpost.com/in-profile/mark-medishxxSander 0ctober 2021...................

Phoenix Ouelette receives his law degree.
Following in the footsteps of his grandfather,  Phoenix Ouelette, son of Cissy and Richard Ouelette and grandson of Madeleine and Henry Keyserlingk, recently received his  law degree. He is ...................

Nice interview of Ela Keyserlingk on her career,
You can read or listen to the interview at this internet address: https://cci-and-chin-in-our-words.simplecast.com/episodes/ela-keyserlingk-rrGpcKsK/transcript SanderSeptember 2021 ...................

Nico Keyserlingk has translated from German an important Keyserling (k) history Book
The book describes in detail some 300 Keyserling relatives and is full of lovely trees and crests. It is a seminal book written in 1853 about the Keyserling family history. Nico has translated the ori...................

New site to hold Keyserlingk pictures
I have opened a file where I will accumulate various Keyserlingk family pictures. If you have old family pictures which you would like to add, please send them to me at: akeyserlingk@gmail.com.You can...................

Life story of Maxim Kosmonenko, husband of Irene Keyserling
Our cousin Andrey Glazofsky has found a detailed story of the life of Maxim Kosmonenko. Cousin Alfred, The Judge, Keyserlingk has added some personal notes at the end. This all  can be read at: ...................

Paul Schniewind hat geschrieben
Paul Schniewind über Paul Keyserling.Paul hat eine Biographie von Paul Keyserling dem Dichter geschrieben. Man kann sie hier lesen:  https://app.box.com/shared/sxhtx2efsz ...................

Ludwig von Hohenthal, husband of Friederike Popp passed away
Ludwig von Hohenthal died on November 11, 2020. His son Alexander Hohenthal wrote a very nice obituary which Henry Popp translated into English from German.  Both versions can be read at:https://...................

Alfred wrote an updated report on his time at Wolfspoint with an English translation.
Alfred Keyserlingk hat einen  neuen Text geschrieben mit seinen Errinerungen an Wolfspoint.Dies kann mann sehen bei:https://app.box.com/s/00j94q8s106yoabqbt6srlea9isk76avxxAlfred Keyserlingk (the...................

Genvieve and Dominic Keyserlingk are the proud parents of Mia Keyserlingk just born in Montreal

Megan Keyserlingk of Australia is a new Dentist
Press release of her clinic in Tasmania:

A beautiful picture memory of Brigitte Maria Keyserlingk
Tanya Keyserlingk Wilson has shared this wonderful picture video of the life of her mother Brigitte Maria Keyserlingk (1937-2013). You can see it with music at:   https://photos.app.goo.gl...................

Wolff Baron Keyserlingk passed away
On December 15th, 2020, Wolff died of Covid-19 complications,  Wolff had been an accomplished magician as well as a lawyer. Sander, December 2020. ...................

Join our new Keyserlingk family page on Facebook. Already more than 100 members on board.
We now have a closed Keyserlingk family Facebook page with over 100 family members already on board. Its a great way to get to know more about your family members.  If you have not already joined...................

Curt von Keyserlingk of South Africa wins prize
Curt Baron Keyserlingk of South Africa wins an important prize. Dr von Keyserlingk’s received the Medal in recognition of his remarkable discoveries in non-equilibrium physics, including the disco...................

New rare book on Keyserlingk history now available on this site
Thanks to Gesima von Bogen, I have been able to upload a copy of a book first published in 1853 of 246 pages on the history of the Keyserlingk family. It is in German but is a treasure trove of inform...................

New vidoe of Sorina Keyserlingk at work on You tube
See it at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcNktqNYCnk&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3lTPPNFNe6vztAWznB7RTgncYSQbUuZEdkOVM8sCrJ-OYzsK5OSeeMKu4&ab_channel=SorinavonKeyserlingSkulpture...................

New Keyserling(k) Facebook page just opened
I have set up a new family-only Keyserling(k) Facebook page.  There are already over 70 members registered. If you are related to our family and wish to join, send me an email so I can invite you...................

Hardwin Edmund Alexander Hanafi (Idrea Maria Verena von Dehn) Baron von Hahn passed away
Edmund passed away recently at the age of 91. Sander KeyserlingkJuly 28, 2020....................

Glitch email. Please excuse and ignore,
Sorry.  Many received emails with no info from the Keyserlingk family website, It was a programming glitch. Our web technicians are now working to correct it.Sander KeyserlingkJuly 22, 2020...................

Cecile Popp Mangtay has a site with expat interviews. She interviewed Sander Keyserlngk.
You can watch my interview on You Tube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ayk8SG0r5qQ#action=share   The other interviews can be seen ar https://www.youtube.com/user/cecileeugenie Ale...................

Book on Henry The Whaler Keyserling-First 2 chapters
During my October 2019 trip to Vladivostok, I found a recently published book written in Russian entitled The return of the Keyserlings. It goes into detail about Henry Keyserling, the Whaler. It has ...................

Memoirs of Marie Keyserling in English and German 1913-1923
You can now read these interesting memoirs in German and English by going to this URL:       https://app.box.com/s/hj3nlfts7ho4drlyt9ns7jvey4v2lhz8         The eng...................

Memoirs of Cecile Popp (born Keyserling) (1903-1951) now available here
Both Memoirs can be read at:  https://app.box.com/s/f4o53apxvo5096c6fno3r4edbysavvvx Henry Popp, son of Aunt Cecile has now provided an english translation of her memoirs from 1933 to 1951 wi...................

New book on Henry the Whaler Keyserling
While I was in Vladivostok last autumn, I found a  book on Henry The Whaler Keyserlingk, entitled Keyserlingk Returns  It is written by Elena Sholokhova, published in 2015 in Vladivostok by ...................

6 chairs with Keyserlingk Palm offered for sale in Namibia
Marie-Luise Park, nee Graefin von der Recke Volmerstein who lives in Windhoek, Namibia has 6 chairs for sale with Keyserling Palm as back (see them at:      https://app.box.com/s/u...................

Veronica Turcot and Jean Luc Decarie are parents
Charlotte, Rose, Michaela Decarie was born on December 22nd to the happy parents. Veronica Turcot is the granddaughter of Bob and Michaela Keyserlingk. Michaela is now a great grand mother.  Cong...................

Andrew Bieler and Erin Mac{Pherson married in November 2019
On a sunny late November 2019 day, Erin MacPherson and Andrew Bieler, son of Marina (nee Baronesse von Hahn) and Theodor Bieler,  were married at The Dharma Centre of Canada in Kinmount, Ontario...................

Across Russia by train.
Monique and I crossed Russia by train from Saint Petersburg to Vladivostok in September 2019. You can read about this adventure at:              https://app...................

Latvia celebrates 100 years navy and recognizes it founder Archibald Keyserling.
In August 2019,  Jeanne de Keyserling (widow of Patrick de Keyserling) and her son Alexander as well as Andreas Rogal and his wife Ingrida were all in Riga, Latvia.  Andreas and Alexander ar...................

Heinrich Keyserlingk gave whale skeleton to Amur Museum in Khabarovsk in 1900.
Translated from Russian  from Pravda newspaper, August 2019. Khabarovsk is about 800 kms north of Vladivostok.https://www.hab.kp.ru/daily/24154/370203/ The skeleton of a whale is housed in...................

Latvia celebrates 100 years of its navy and recognizes one of the founders, Archibald Keyserling.
In August 2019,  Jeanne and her son Alexander de Keyserling as well as Andreas Rogal and his wife Ingrida were all in Riga, Latvia.  They are all direct descendants of Archbald Keyserling an...................

Digital copy of Baltic family crests
I just discovered a digital copy of the full book on Baltic Nobility Crests.  Keyserling Crests can be seen at :  https://www.digar.ee/viewer/et/nlib-digar:46148/18062/page/54 and at:...................

Keyserlingk Crest in church in Tallin, Estonia
A friend of mine recently visited Tallin and sent me pictures of the Keyserlingk crest hanging in the Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin in Tallin.  These can be seen at:https://app.box.com/s/r3e...................

Sophie Baronesse Keyserlingk married Casimir Freiherr von Finck
Sophie is the daughter of Harald and Anita Baron Keyserlingk of Berlin....................

Margrit Burckhardt (Aribert) Baronin Kleist-Keyserling passed away in July 2019
You can see a very nice video of family and friends at a memorial held for Margrit in Ontario at:https://vimeo.com/user46887135/review/343945720/59d70b1f47...................

Just added a collection of old Labelle pictures.
You can see them at this location: https://app.box.com/s/lcwnsy1u1hi4d5qugp95czmm8wbq3npn ...................

Arthur Rex Henderson passed away June 19 2019 in Eshowe, South Africa.
Arthur passed away in June 2019 in Eshowe, South Africa after loosing his battle with cancer.Rex was the son of Vera Keyserlingk Henderson and Rex Henderson. This branch of the Baron Keyserlingk famil...................

Egbert Keyserlingk was a victim of a Nazi program to eliminate mentally challenged persons
Alfred, the Judge, Keyserlingk has obtained information which is very disturbing but which he felt should be shared.  He provided a document indicating that Egbert Keyserling,  a son of Mari...................

Curt Keyserlingk is now a Physics and Astronomy Fellow at Birmingham University in the UK.
Curt is part of the South African branch of the Baron Keyserlingk family. His father was a well-known journalist in South Africa.  Curt has pursued studies in Physics and Astronmy and holds a PHD...................

Henry Keyserlingk passed away peacefully on April 19, 2019 in Cownansville, Quebec
Dr. John Keyserlingk, his younger brother wrote  He finally lost his 2-year battle with Leukemia. His passing was very gentle thanks to the incredible staff at the Maison Diapason in Bromo...................

Gaby Keyserlingk Perkins off to Africa in July 2019
Gaby and her family are planning their trip to Uganda to visit friends from San Antonio and then on to Tanzania to do a safari with their kids Caleb and Amelia....................

Peter and Gayle von K off to Malawi to visit daughter and family
Peter and Gayle von Keyserling report:In late June 2019, Gayle and I are planning to go to Malawi, Africa to visit Steve and Amy in Lilongwe where they work with US Aid out of the embassy. Their three...................

New book about Eduard Keyserling, the author
Title: Keyserling Geheimnis by Klaus Modick.Published by:  Keipenheuer & Witch, 2018. The book is in German and is written as a novel around the real-life events of Eduard K...................

Dominique Keyserlingk gets engaged
Dominique, son of Mireille and Dr John Keyserlingk is now engaged to Geniève Sharp. No date yet for the wedding....................

Hal Crawford a Keyserling relative from New York finds K crest in Tallin, Estonia
Hal found a Keyserling crest in St. Marys Church in Tallinn Estonia.  The crest is cut in wood.  To see the crest and more details and information please go to: https://app.box.com...................

Ludwig Erik von Hahn married Celia Correa in Lima in November 2018.
To see a little about Celia go to her personal card....................

New article on Bachs Goldberg Variations and Keyserlingk
Read a bit of background about this musical piece by Bach written for a Keyserlingk ancestor at:https://app.box.com/s/su33my26nou83lwrrs6lgbrh4gov4tv6SanderNovember 9. 2018...................

Interesting article about Keyserlingk/Steiner relationship.
You can read this article about the Steiner lectures at:/p http://orgprints.org/18809/1/Paull2011KoberwitzEJSS.pdf /p SanderOctober2018...................

Wolfspoint guestbook 1945-1960. A bit of Baltic history of a family place.
  Wolfspoint was an old Bavarian farmhouse, the last home of Henry Keyserlingk, the Whaler and his wife Marie. After their death it was Henry´s sister Eveline who ran the house and...................

Sanders New Africa travelogue now available at:www.africaapril2019.blogspot.com
www.africaapril2019.blogspot.com        Please leave a comment so I can see if you enjoyed reading my blog. Monique and I will be travelling to Madagascar, Ethiopia and Uganda.San...................

New novel about Eduard Keyserling called Keyserlings Geheimnis, Keyserlings Secret.
On March 7th, 2018, about 15 Keyserlingks met in the Literaturhaus München, Germany and enjoyed hearing the author Klaus Modick reading excerpts of his brandnew book, Keyserlings Geheimnis (Keyser...................

Alfred Popp is now a member of the Order of Canada. A great honor. Congratulations, Alfred
OTTAWA—Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, will invest 2 Companions, 8 Officers and 37 Members into the Order of Canada during a ceremony at&n...................

Amy von Keyserlng and family heading to Malawi for USAID in 2018
Amy (the daughter of Peter and Gayle von K) , Stephen and the kids will be taking up residence in Malawi. Ami will cover USAID s education portfolio and her husband  Stephen will be working in US...................

Beatrice Keyserlingk Foundation Newsletter November 2017
You can see this news letter on the activities of the Foundation managed by Beatrice at: https://app.box.com/s/2s5kai7me5kvk3yq7te9pe06fd8d2eri      Sander Keyserlingk...................

Ulf von Dehn passed away in Vancouver November 7th, 2017.
Ulf was the husband of Cecile Sissy Keyserlingk and the father of Ulf, Ted, Kathrin, Marion and Stephanie.   Condolences can be sent to : Sissyvondehn@telus.com  You can see a few pi...................

Emmett Taylor Keyserlingk graduated from University of British Columbia
Emmett graduated in July 2017 from UBC with a Bachelors degree in Geography. If one looks closely at the picture on his personal card, in the background one can see the names of  the other Keyser...................

Sasha von Dehn now in Vancouver for college in Sept 2017.

Patrick de Keyserlingk passed away May 2, 2017. Patrick was the husband of Jeanne and the father of Alexander.

Alexander Gerard de Keyserling graduated from Johns Hopkins University.
Alexander Gerard de Keyserling graduated from Johns Hopkins University of Advance International Studies (SAIA) with a Masters of Arts in the China Studies Program. In fact, he won an award for the Mos...................

Ted Keyserlingk was recently awarded the Distinguished Service Award by the Canadian Bioethics Society.For details go to https://app.box.com/s/egicq09tcwcow1efm3sem2oj3pe1tiia

Alexis Troubetskoy of Labelle passed away quietly on January 21, 2017

Zweite Auflage der Lebenserinnerungen von Alexander Graf von Keyserlingk
(Alexander ist geboren in St. Petersburg 1895, gestorben in Grünthal, Raubling ) Im Jahr 2015 hat Dr. Peter Waltner Alexander Keyserlingks Erinnerungen herausgegeben..Mit aufgenommen waren auch Erinn...................

Leonie Popp Bedford passed away.in Vancouver in October 2016

Robert Sascha Keyserlingk and Janine Becker married in April 2016 and live in Krefeld

Read RWK story about Labelle at : https://app.box.com/s/m99vz10u66nqckf7o6n704xedrzwvbdx

New family website:http://barone-haaren.de/

Barbara Keyserlingk von Wartenberg ist am 23 April 2016 gestorben.

Verena Keyserlingk Henckel von Donnersmark and Sebastian are the proud parents of Jonathan Levin.
Jonathan Levin was born on March 23, 2016....................

Patrick von Bremen, husband of Brigitta von Hahn, passed away in December 2015

Keyserlingk family reunion, Paris, in 2018
Our cousin Cecile Raczynski has offered to organize a family reunion in Paris  in 2018. This note is to see if there is interest in such a meeting.  If you are interested please co...................

Das Memoirenbuch von Aki Keyserlingk ist da

Sanders report on his trip to China October 2015
This report can be read at:https://app.box.com/s/26zy8nnlijp3nwqiji9fggj9kf1655xlhttps://youtu.be/J9KPHUv49DI                          ...................

Sanders report on his trip to Corsica, July 2015
The text can be read at   https://app.box.com/s/o5xmwt01uf4hc9mh886hl3y9p70fcork Sander August 8, 2015...................

Sanders report on trip to Cuba July 2015
https://app.box.com/s/aimgfpsmalpbb2vh0dlqhn6wrcitxaaa You can read my report at the address abovee. Please give me comments. The pictures can be seen at:https://goo.gl/photos/UZZam5xidTfazBjF9 S...................

Sebastian Keyserlingk and Gisela Lenk have a new son.
Their son Jakob Nikolaus Alfred was born in Berlin on May 5, 2015. Congratulations to the parents and grand-parents.SanderMontreal June6, 2015...................

Isabella ISA Keyserlingk passed away on May 5, 2015 in New Zealand
Isa was the half sister of Alfred the Judge and the mother of Karl Alexander (Elena Tchoukalina) Eckstein ,  George (Lefki) Kovacevic ,  Alex (Brenda Costanzo) Kovacevic

Just posted: an article by Peter von Sass on Baltic History.
You can see this article at:  https://app.box.com/s/76a4pcoirstzaoghbwoilw4m80bf51qo If you have comments, Peter would appreciate your sending them to him at:  peter_ecgcapital@shaw.ca ...................

Agnes and Michael von Kempis are the proud parents of Nathalie.
Nathalie arrived on the seventh day of January 2015, at 21:56, weighing in at 3.59kg and 51cm.Congratulations to the von Kempis for your fifth child.SanderJamuary 21. 2015...................

Cecile Popp and Cengiz Mangtay are the proud parents of a new son.
Their 3rd child was born in January 2015 in Istanbul and has been named Nezih Nicolas Mangtay.  Congratulations....................

Neues Buch ueber Aki Keyserlingk
Sebastian Keyserlingk schreibt;  Liebe Familie,auf dem Familientag hatte ich bereits darauf hingewiesen, aber hier https://app.box.com/s/5y0ayndn6g1osk13736eschicke den Flyer über ein B...................

Pictures/Bilder 2014 Potsdam Keyserlingk Family meeting/Familientag
Some 200 pictures of the September 2014 Berlin family meeting attended by some 50 adults and 25 children (the names can be seen for most people by putting the mouse over the face) are available b...................

Klaus-Dietrich Graf Keyserlingk ist am 6 September 2014 gestorben.

Klaus-Dietrich Graf Keyserlingk ist am 6 September 2014 gestorben.

Dagmar Keyserlingk ist am 28 Juli 2014 gestorben.
Dagmar war die Schwester von  Astrid, Alfred, Eva Maria und Ines....................

Peter von Hahn passes away in Montreal.

Husband of Susie von Keyserling, Lee Ruggels passes away

Alexander Sander Keyserlingk marries/heiratet.
Alexander Sander Keyserlingk announced that he has married Monique Aird of Montreal, Canada. Monique and Sander  married in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on January 10th,  2014. Alexander S...................

Announcing September 27th, 2014 Family Reunion
Diedrich Keyserlingk is making arrangements for a family reunion to take place in Potsdam, Berlin,Germany  on the week-end of September 27th, 2014.   It will be the first family reunion sin...................

Keyserlingk Familientag, Potsdam, 27 September, 2014
Diedrich Keyserlingk schreibt: Mit dem Familientag sind wir etwas weiter gekommen. Wir haben ein Gebäude am Schloßpark Sanssouci, zugleich zentral in der Stadt Potsdam, für Sonnabend, dem 27.Sept...................

New daughter of Kristina and Helmut Keyserling
Kristina and Helmut Keyserling are proud to introduce  the newest member of their family Rosa Olympia Sophia Anna. She was born on  June 13th, 2013 in Berlin.  Sander...................

Brigitte Graefin Keyserlingk passed away
Brigitte was Sanders wife and the mother of Nicolas, Gabrielle and Tanya.  Brigitte passed away peacefully on August 7th after almost 5 years of battling various types of cancers.  A me...................

Book on history of whaling mentions Henry Keyserlingk, the whaler
A book entitled The history of Whaling, mentions the industry Henry the Whaler started out of Vladivostok.  Excerpts can be seen on pages 132-137. The book can be seen at: http://books.google.no...................

Emmett Keyserlingk chooses the University of British Colombia
Emmett learned last week that UBC had accepted him and he has decided to take up the challenge.  He will be enrolling in UBC in September and studying Ecological Geography. Good Lu...................

Alex Keyserlingk and Joanne Thomson are parents
Alex and Joanne are the proud parents of Anna Claire Keyserlingk, born in Ottawa on February 23, 2013.  Congratulations to the new family member.Sander  February 24, 2013...................

Patrick von Keyserling makes TV news
Check out this news item where Patrick gets interviewed.http://www.9news.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=138262 Sander, January 2013...................

Travels to China-My report
You can read my report on my 20l2 trip to China at:http://inchinanov2012.blogspot.com/?spref=fb I would love to hear your reactions:Please send them to akeyserlingk@gmail.com  Sander December...................

An interesting review of Hermann Keyserlings book on Europe.
You can read the review at: http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/4055 Sander, Decmber 2012...................

Huge genealogy website
This website carries a huge number of family names and trees: http://geneagraphie.com/surnames.phpSanderOctober 2, 2012...................

New book written by Margrit von Kleist
A message from Christiane von Kleist dated October 1,2012: Hello Everyone, Hope this email finds everyone well. The day has finally come for those who have been patiently waiting, and ask...................

Pictures of the summer of 2012 in Labelle
I have made a webpage which shows over 500 pictures of members of the families of Keyserlingks, Perkins, Wilsons, Spanos, Schicks and Chicanots. It can be seen at:http://labelle2012.shutterfly.com/ ...................

New book on history of Courland
There is a book out called:A Journey to nowhere by Jean Paul Kaufmann which looks at the history of Courland through the eyes of a French journalist.  The book is originally in French. ...................

Nina Keyserlingk wins award. Congratulations
From CANADIAN SOCIETY OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, to be presented at the CSAS/ASAS joint annual meeting – Phoenix, Arizona, USA (July 15-19) 2012. Canadian Animal Industries Award in Extension and Public Servi...................

Anatol von Hahn gets big promotion. Congratulations!
Anatol von Hahn is now Group Head - Canadian Banking of The Bank of Nova Scotia. He had been Executive Vice-President, Latin America of The Bank of Nova Scotia. Mr. von Hahn will be responsible for re...................

The Kern family joins the Keyserlingk website. A third branch living in the USA.
Thanks to the genealogical work of Peter Kern,  we have been able to add the descendants of his grandmother, Irmgard Louise Baronesse Keyserlingk. This family now resides in the USA in Arizona an...................

Welcome to the Kiddell familly, another new branch of Keyserlingk descendants in the USA
The Kiddell family has joined the Keyserlingk website.  They are descendants of  Ewald Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolph Baron von Grotthuss who married  Laura Baronesse von Kleist-Keyse...................

Pictures from recent book by Hugo Keyserlingk about his Hahn grandmother
Hugo Keyserlingk recently published a nice book in German about his grandmother.  The book is built around correspondence of his grandmother to and from her contempories of the Baltics.   Th...................

Welcome the Crawfords, a recently discovered branch of the Keyseringk family living in the USA
Thanks to genealogical work of Harold Crawford, I now have been able now to add to the website the descendants of Alvin August Baron Keyserlingk, son of Oscar Ludwig Ernst Baron Keyserlingk.  Alv...................

Keyserlingk.info website reaches 2 million hits mark.
On January 27th 2012, the hit counter on our website registered 2 million hits since the site was launched. Wow! ....................

Amy and Stephen Scott are parents again
Peter von Keyserling reports:Hanna  Noelle Scott was a month early so had a few development delays,such as immunity and organ functions.  Now all those issues have been outgrown.  So Ha...................

Nadia Wilson donated her beautiful hair to a charitable organization.
In a wonderful action to help a charitable organization which makes wigs for needy persons, Nadia gave up her magnifient long curly hair.  You can see pictures of this event at:  https://pic...................

Erinnerung an Eduard Keyserling, Samstag den 3. Dezember.
Liebe Leute, im Zusammenhang mit einer erfolgreichen Veranstaltung der Bayerischen Akademie der schönen Künste im Sommer des Jahres entstand die Idee, für den Fontane in Moll, den baltischen Erzähl...................

My travels in China, November 2011
To see my report on my 2 week trip to China in November 2011 go to:http://www.box.com/shared/static/t4ciyt1ubuaifln9ifnc.docxSander Virginia, December 17, 2011...................

The travel Diary of a Philospher in English.
Hermann wrote this book in German and it is hard reading unless one is fluent in German.    The English translation is quite a bit easier to read and is interesting for anyone who has visite...................

Artikel In Focus Magazine von Beatrice Keyserlingk ueber Africa und Frauen
Hier koennt Ihr lesen was Beatrice neulich geschrieben hat: http://www.box.net/shared/q3imgh8dzr4y3siy5xc3Sander ...................

Join the new Baltic Nobility group on Linked in.
I  invite the many descendants and relatives of noble families of the Baltics (not only Keyserlingk related)  to join our new group on LinkedIn. This group will allow us to network among fri...................

The future of the Baltic Nobility Organization (Baltische Ritterschaft)-a discussion
As many of you are probably not aware the membership in Baltic Nobility Organization (Baltische Ritterschaft-BR), has been gradually dropping.  Current numbers indicate that membership in the org...................

Hugo Keyserlingk hat ein Buch geschrieben.
Weitere Informationen sind zu sehen bei: http://edition-palmhahn.de/  Sander September 2011...................

Michaela Keyserlingk fights Canadian Ruling party on Asbestos.
This is a big story in Canada.Canadian Political Party Threatens Widow For Using Its Logo In Ad Criticizing Canadian Governmentfrom the how-do-you-spell-streisand-in-canadian deptCanadian Mi...................

Franz-Peter (Matz) Baron von Hahn ist am 2 August gestorben. Sehe seine Todesanzeige
Seine Todesanzeige kann man sehen bei: http://www.box.net/shared/br4qj54y6cgqoogng416   Sander, August 2011...................

Cecile Keyserling Popp describes her family life in Africa. Die Popps in Afrika.
You can read this interesting description of the Popp family experience in Africa by going to the site below: Eine Beschreibung vom Leben von Cecile und Alfred Popp in Afrika von 1933 an kan man ...................

Read Sanders Alaska report at: http://fromalaska2011.blogspot.com/

Vadim Medish passed away May 22, 2011
To see a good description of his very full life, go to his personal card.SanderMay 25, 2011...................

INGEBORG VON BERGMANN, wife of Alexander Keyserlingk passed away.
Her daughter Nina wrote:..Sunday night (February 13, 2011) at approximately 8:00 pm Mami passed away very quietly (born March 17, 1933).  She was not in any pain and died peacefully.  As...................

PAUL  MIKLASCHEVSKY, beloved husband of Marie Baronesse von Hahn, passed away in Montreal Canada on February 9th in his 91 year.  The funeral was scheduled for February 17th at 9.30 am at Th...................

A digital copy of the 1853 book with Keyserlingk family history, Stammtafeln Nachrichten und Urkunden.
A digital copy of this beautiful book can be seen at:    http://pbc.gda.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=350&from=PIONIER%20DLF      This book has over 200 pages of history, t...................

Ein neues Buch von Linde Keyserlingk-

A nice piece on Martin Keyserlingks ski operation in British Colombia.
Go to:http://espn.go.com/action/snowboarding/news/story?page=kootenay-powderSanderDecember 29, 2010...................

Ein Neues Buch mit einem Kapitel ueber Margarete Graefin Keyserlingk
Sie koennen mehr lesen bei: http://www.box.net/shared/n3tprri714 Sander12 Dez 2010...................

Irene Gräfin von Keyserling, Erinnerungen aus den jahren 1917-1921, Alfred Graf von Keyserling, Im Chaos sibirischer Bolschewistenherrschaft
124 Seiten mit Fotografien,Zeittafel und Landkarten,Restexemplare für 25 Euro zu beziehen von Alfred Graf von Keyserlingk  abkeyserlingk@t-online.de Tel:3512682360...................

Charlotte Caroline Amalie Gräfin von Keyserlingk
A nice article on this lady can be read in German at:  https://app.box.com/shared/3cd70u3c1c Sander  September 2010...................

Cecile, the daughter of Henry and Paulette Popp is a new mother.
Cecile reports that her son, Seyhan Kaya Maximilian Mangtay was born on 26. Dec 2009 at 02.45am, 3600g (7lbs 15oz) in Tarsus, Turkey. Congratulations....................

Robert Bob Keyserlingk passed away on December 8th, 2009
Obituary of Robert Keyserlingk                            ...................

Keyserling(k) DNA analysed and journey described.
I, Alexander Sander Graf Keyserlingk submitted my DNA samples for analysis by the US National Geographic Society, Genographic Project.  The results of this analysis show how our ancestors migrate...................

Felicia Keyserlingk Hoffmann and husband Christopher are parents
Felicia and Christopher are the proud parents of  their first child, Mathilda born  in October 2009....................

CECIL AND DINA 1939-1945, Cecil and Dina Hahn and Marina Hahn Bieler
CECIL AND DINA 1939-1945 By Cecil Hahn, Dina Hahn and Marina Hahn Bieler   Illustrated with photos and maps, 419 pages. Available privately from Marina Bieler, marinabieler@gmail.com , or...................

Patrick von Keyserling now Communication Manager for the City of Boulder Co.
Patrick and his family are moving to Erie, Colorado. Patrick describes his new job as:Manage external and internal communications, media relations and television station for the city. Welcome to Colo...................

Buch ueber Irenes und Alfred Keyserlings Errinerungen aus der russischen Revolution.
Alfred Keyserlingk hat uns informiert, dass sein Schwager,  Peter Waltner hat in den letzen Wochen unter höchstem Zeitdruck ein Büchlein herstellen lassen mit den erschütternden Erinnerungen...................

New biography of Paul Keyserling by Paul Schniewind
  This new book can be seen at: http://www.box.net/shared/sxhtx2efsz Sander August 17, 2009...................

Martin and Melissa Keyserlingk are parents again
Martin and Melissa Keyserlingk are the proud parents of a new baby girl named Elysha. She was born earlier this month in Nelson BC weighing in at 9.4 lbs.   Congratulations to the new parents...................

Barbara (nee von Ritgen) Keyserlingk died on December 12th, 2008
Alexander Keyserlingk reports:Meine Mutter Barbara (geb. von Ritgen) ist am 22.12.2008 verstorben. sander 4 Januar, 2009...................

Barbara (nee von Ritgen) Keyserlingk died on December 12th, 2008
Alexander Keyserlingk reports:Meine Mutter Barbara (geb. von Ritgen) ist am 22.12.2008 verstorben. sander 4 Januar, 2009...................

Karen von Hahns hip guide Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada...................

Karen von Hahns hip guide Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada...................

Raynard von Hahn, director on board of Aerocast Inc. April 2008.
4/2/2008 - Aerocast Announces Appointment of Director Aerocast Inc. (¡±Aerocast¡± or the ¡°Company¡±) announces that Raynard von Hahn has been appointed as a director of the Company,...................

Manfred Keyserling passed away April 8, 2008
With sadness we learnt that Manfred Keyserling, son of Hermann, father of Leonhard, Sylvia, Thomas, Barbara,  Nikolaus, Veronika and Beatrix, died on Tuesday April 8th 2008 in Sigmaringen (B...................

Gaby and Rick Perkins are the proud parents of Amelia Claire born January 17, 2008 in San Antonio
Amelia weighed in at 7.7 lbs. Mother and daughter are now at home and doing well....................

Milena and Nico marry
Milena Popova and Nico Graf Keyseringk recently married at a ceremony attended by their children. The wedding took place in accordance with the Easter Rite at a church in Montreal....................

Beatrice Keyserlingk hilft Mozamique. Beatrice Keyserlingk is now helping in Mozambique
Die Christian-Liebig-Stiftung und die Deutsche Welthungerhilfe wollen sich gemeinsam für Afrika stark machen und das Millenniumsdorf Mabote in Mosambik unterstützen.  Fuer weitere Informationen b...................

Cicely and Shane marry in the Dominican Republic
Cicely is the daughter of Vicki von Keyserlingk. Ciclely and Shane currently live in Colorado. To see a lovely set of pictures of this event, go to:www.kodakgallery.com Then log in with admin sand...................

Book showing Baltic castles and Manor houses in Latvia
The book has hundreds of pictures of Baltic castles and manor houses in Latvia.  The title is:  Latvijas Pills un Muizas, Author: Alberts Zarans Language: Latvian, Format: Book (Illustrated)...................

Anatol von Hahn is named Executive Vice President, Latin America by Scotiabank
Scotiabank appoints Anatol von Hahn as executive VP for Latin AmericaSeptember 11, 2007 - 10:45 a.m. TORONTO (CP) - Scotiabank (TSX:BNS) has appointed Anatol von Hahn, the current president and C...................

Sander's Around Africa by ship report is now available under Stories
I have just posted my travelogue of our 78 day ship trip. You can see it under the Stories section of this website.  Sander June 18, 2007...................

New article by Paul Schiewind on Telsen in Stories section
Paul Schniewind has written an interesting piece on the estates of Telsen and Tels-Paddern. He also gives interesting background on his family and on his Keyserling ancestors. It can be seen at:http:/...................

Important Keyserlingk documents now available on line.
Important Keyserlingk documents now available on line. I have opened an off-site document storage account to hold certain large and important Keyserlingk documents.  You can read these...................

Google provides almost 3000 references to publications by and about Keyserling's (k)
A search on http://books.google.com/ provides almost 3000 references to Keyserling (k)!   These include books and articles by and about Keyserling (k).   Some of the items are visi...................

Family happenings/Familiennachrichten, updated May 2007
I intend to use this bulletin to share news about family events of interest.  I will update it from time to time. If you have items which could be of interest to other family members, please let me kn...................

Maria von Taube's neues Buch ist erschienen.
Maria, die langjaehrige Sekrataerin von Otto von Taube (Das Buch der Keyserlinge) hat jetzt ihr eigenes Buch herausgebracht: Von Bayern und Balten Ein Kind zwischen Villenkolonie und Dorf 174...................

Edmund Baron von Hahn passes away
On  September 23, Philipp von Hahn wrote from Ottawa, Canada: 'I have just received a telephone message from Anna Hahn that her husband Edmund (Postenden) has passed away earlier today. No detai...................

Translation of Marie Keyserlingks writings and other new items under Stories.
New additions to the site: Under stories: Br>Susie Keyserling Ruggels has translated the German text written by Marie Keyserlingk, Heinrich the Whalers second wife on their exerience...................

Nicole de Keyserling passed away on September 3, 2006
It is with regret that we learned from Jeanne and Patrick de Keyserling that Nicole passed away in on September 3, 2006. She was the widow of Victor de Keyserling who died several years earlier. At he...................

Ludwig von Hahn at Tufts, July 17,2006
Ludwig von Hahn, MD, Joins CCSN Ludwig von Hahn, MD, has joined the Floating Hospital’s Center for Children with Special Needs.            As...................

Felix and Marie-Kristin Baronin Keyserlingk are parents of Jonah
Their son Jonah Eleazar Ambrosius was born on June 1, 2006.  Mother and child are doing well....................

Archibald Graf Keyserlingk passes away on July 4th 2006
Archibald was the father of Alexandra  Keyserlingk Stiassni and Archibald.  He was the brother of Gustav (Benigna) Graf Keyerlingk.  ...................

Katherine Comtesse von Keyserling weds
Katherine and her spouse Noah Gales Berliner were married in June 2006 in New York. Welcome Noah to the family....................

Andreas and Ingrida Rogal have a daughter
They were blessed with a daughter born on June 14th in Brussels. She has been named:Annika Inez Ingrida....................

Xenia and Paul Mylvaganam are parents of a daughter
Xenia and Paul Mylvaganam are the proud parents of their second child, a daughter named Tara Amalie Indrani. She was born on April 19th, 2006 weighing in at 3380 gr. Mother and child are doing we...................

Tag des Weisheit, April 26,06, Darmstadt
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Kollegen und Freunde,anlässlich des 60. Todestages von Hermann Graf Keyserling am 26. April2006 veranstaltet das Institut für Praxis der Philosophie e.V. (IPPh)ein...................

Suche Bilder
Ich haette sehr gern eine Kopie von einem Bild vonEmma v. Below, geb. Graefin v. Keyserlingk, der Erbin von Rutzau und Schlatau,geboren in Koenigsberg am 26. April 1800, gest. in Planches am 6. Dezemb...................

Tired of pushing phone buttons.
If you would prefer to go directly to a human on many of the company automated phone systems, check out:http://www.paulenglish.com/ivr/Sander, January 18, 2006...................

Google finds hundreds of references to Keyserling(k)'s
In a new feature, Google has commenced scanning whole libraries of books which are not under copyright. This has turned up several thousand references to Keyserlingk's, including the North Carolina de...................

Gaby and Rick Perkins are parents of a little boy born Oct 14,2005
Kaleb Ian Perkins was born at 1700 on Friday October 14, 2005 at Presbyterian St Lukes hospital in Denver Tel 303 839 6000 room 1122. He was 5 pounds and 7 ounces and measured 20 inches. &...................

Felix, son of Bernd and Gisela Baron von Keyserlingk marries.
Felix married in August. To see pictures of Felix and his bride see the website at http://www.gallery.dreizeichen.de/albums.php...................

The American von Keyserling branch is growing by leaps and bounds.
I just came back from a nice lunch in Maryland with Vicki von Keyserling, Amy and Steve  Scott and Ciceley and Shane.  In addition to Ciceley's and Shane's recently born son C...................

Arnold Keyserling died.
It is with sadness but equally with gratitude towards his life and works that we learnt of the passing away of Professor Arnold Keyserling. He died on 7 September 2005 in Matrei am Brenner, Austria. T...................

Janina Princesse Obolensky passed away
It is with sadness that we learnt that Janina Baronesse von Kleist-Keyserling (Karl Johann) Fuerstin von Lieven Princesse Obolensky passed away at the age of 80 in Santago Chile in August 2005. W...................

Nora Alice Baronesse von Keyserlingk passed away
It was with great sadness that we learned that Nora Alice, the daughter of Anita and Harald passed away on June 30, 2005.  The family requested that any donations be made in her name to Medecins ...................

Kilian von Keyserlingk wins "Shocking Shorts" 2005 film award.
Kilian von Keyserlingk gewinnt „Shocking Shorts Award“ 2005 Ludwigsburg, 5. Juli 2005 Kilian von Keyserlingk, Absolvent der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, hat mit seinem Diplomfilm „Marco und...................

Wedding of Kathrin von Dehn and Sebastian Spano.
Kathrin von Dehn, daughter of Cissy  and Ulf von Dehn of Vancouver and Sebastian Spano will celebrate their marriage in Ottawa on July 30, 2005 at 1200 at Blessed Sacrement Church. ...................

Interesting article by Mark Medish on a visit to Russia.
You can see this article at http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/05/26/opinion/edmedish.php Sander...................

Jour fixe 2005 bei den Gisela Keyserlingk
Der Mai ist gekommen.......    Einladung     zum Jour Fixe 2005 'Zeit für Freunde'   im Hause Keyserlingk an jedem letzten Sonntag im Monat ab Mai um 19 Uhr &n...................

Mark Medish, a Kleist descendant writes in the Washington Post
Read his article in the stories section of the website....................

Hauptmann von Keyserlingk. Wer kann ihn identifizieren?
Wir versuchen einen Hauptmann von Keyserlingk zu identifizieren. Kann jemand helfen. Wenn ja schicken Sie mir die Information an:Sandkey@aol.com Hiermit die Emails die ich bekommen habe Sehr geehrte...................

Stephanie von Dehn marries
Stephanie, the daughter of Ulf and Cissy von Dehn of Vancouver married in Vancouver on October 2nd, 2004. Her husband is Derek Schick. He is a mechanical engineer.  Pictures of the couple ar...................

Joshua Zachary von Keyserling is born
Michael and Jennifer von Keyserling are the proud parents of Joshua Zachary, born on October 25, 2004. He is the 2,761rst person registered on our site. Congratulations to the parents, and to the gran...................

Gaby Keyserlingk marries in Arusha, Tanzania
In March 2004, after climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with her fiance Rick Perkins, Gaby and Rick married in the catholic church of Arusha,  Tanzania.  A wedding reception was held in July 2004&nb...................

Edward Keyserlingk receives Medal of Honor from Canadian Medical Association
A big congtatulations to brother Ted.       OTTAWA, Aug. 6 /CNW Telbec/ - On August 18, Professor Edward W.Keyserlingk of Montreal, Quebec, will receive the Canadian Me...................

Keyserlingk Family Reunion In August 2004 in Canada: A report by Alfred..
This report was written in German by Alfred Keyserlingk of Dresden on the Labelle Family meeting. An English translation follows below.     Fünfter Familientag der  Grafen und Barone...................

Christian Liebig Stiftung/Foundation by Beatrice Keyserlingk
Dear family members: Below is a letter in German from Beatrice Keyserlingk of Munich who has set up a foundation in the memory of her fiancé Christian Liebig who was killed while he was an embedded j...................

Report of Keyserling Seminar in Estonia, September 2003
Check out the report under 'Family Events' on the seminar on 3 famous Keyserling held in Estonia in September 2003.  Also read Sander's travelogue of his trip to the seminar and through Estonia a...................

Tanya and Scott are parents again.
At 1845 today, November 13, 2003 Tanya had a little girl.  Mother and child are reported to be in good shape and spirits. The new lady will be named:Elena Erika Alexandra. She was 9lb 1oz at bi...................

Tyus is baptized
On June 14, Tyus, the son of Cicely Washington, Vicky von Keyserling's daughter was baptized in Maryland. It was a nice ceremony which Brigitte and I attended.   I have posted some pictures ...................

A seminar about Keyserlingks, September,18-21, 2003 in Tartu.
The Estonian Goethe  Association,  the Estonian Science Academy and and the Institute for German Languge and Litterture at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany&nb...................

New additions to our Site. Neuigkeiten bei www.Keyserlingk.info.
January 2003.   Dear Cousins: Happy 2003 and we hope you all have a great New Year.Just a note to keep you up to date on new developments on the family website:   1.Bob's new article on...................

'About me' now protected
Several cousins expressed interest in seeing that the ' About Me' section of the personal card not be visible to the public visiting our family site.  I have now arranged for this.  From now...................

Sascha gets married.
Sascha -Alexander, Wolfgang, Renatus Graf Keyserlingk, Son of Alexander(Schnecki) got married on July 25, 2002 to Johanne Thalheim (just graduated Magister in Germanistic). ...................

Welcome to Keyserlingk.info
Dear Cousins, As I reported earlier,  persons outside the family can now view the site without passwords but will not see our private information.  Visitors will be able to u...................

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Home |  Guest Book |  Library | Family Events | Photo Gallery |  Bibliography | Contacts

Site developed and built: I T & M Pvt. Ltd. Editorial input: Andreas Rogal,  Historical input: Robert H Keyserlingk. Genealogical Input: Henry Popp
Technical input: Scott Wilson , Nico Keyserlingk , Alex Keyserlingk , Kevin Von Keyserlingk.